Foreword by Dr. Irishea Hilliard, Senior Pastor, New Light Church

Time. We love it when we feel its on our side. We worry when we feel its not. Your fertility journey has less to do with time as we know it – minutes, seconds, hours, days etc.… and more to do with how God orchestrates.
He’s not subject to our time, He’s the author of it. Time as we know it is subject to Him. Waiting for your baby may feel like a lifetime.
You even begin to think you can’t have one. Your health, age, finances, relationship all point to it not happening for you. So did mine.
Until I aligned with the right time.
Getting pregnant is a natural thing for women. Doing it when the world, your doctor, spouse, bank account, friends, family and more say you can’t, well that’s when the Supernatural steps in. We must practice God’s principles in order to participate in His promises.
He took me on a journey that only He could orchestrate. All I did was trust His time. Your baby is ready in Heaven and as your Purpose Midwife, I’m here to help you push by giving practical strategies to add the super to your natural.
Its birthing season.

Porshea Wilkins-Agomo (born Porshea Mitchell of Hearne, Texas) is a Purpose Midwife, Author and Entrepreneur who resides in Houston, Texas with her Husband Jarrod, son Aiden and daughter Chandler.
In 2014, while recovering from a myomectomy to remove multiple grapefruit size fibroids from her uterus, God gave her the assignment for her ministry Straight Talk Woman Talk International.
She serves as a Purpose Midwife for thousands of women globally where she leverages supernatural strategies to teach those assigned to her how to push past their pain and give birth to their purpose.
Porshea is the Author of the book: You’re Not Infertile. You’re just not in timing – supernatural strategies to activate your faith in fertility for every area of life. The book showcases her uncommon faith activating journey to conceive her miracle baby boy. Serving as evidence to all that when you practice God’s principles you can participate in His promises.
She and her Husband lead and mentor a cross continental organization of entrepreneurs in the direct marketing profession, generating revenues in excess of $50 million and growing daily.
Porshea earned a B.B.A. in Marketing from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, received Congressional Recognition for community development and managed production of retail brands worth up to $1.4 Billion.